Every project is unique - there is no one-size-fits-all in construction. Solutions are better realized collaboratively.

Check out some of our featured content at the pages below.
PennFIRST: IPD in Action
April 07, 2016
Project delivery within the construction industry continues to evolve toward increasingly collaborative environments. Our clients are placing greater emphasis on a heightened sense of communication between project partners and many are committing to a relatively new type of project delivery for the design and construction world – Integrated Project Delivery (IPD).
How Deep Are The Foundations of a Skyscraper?
April 04, 2016
Our UK colleagues explain the Large-Diameter Piling technique in use on the foundations of the One Nine Elms towers project in London.
Going Vertical in Charlotte - 300 S. Tryon Time-Lapse Video
March 24, 2016
Check out the time lapse video of the construction at our 300 S. Tryon project in Charlotte.
Virtual Reality Technology + Construction
March 21, 2016
Balfour Beatty leverages virtual reality technology to explore and test future construction designs prior to building anything in the physical world.
The Evolution of Preconstruction
March 10, 2016
Here at Balfour Beatty, we have expanded the notion of what the preconstruction phase of a project really means—for us, it’s about more than just assessing cost. We pride ourselves on delivering a truly personal and customized preconstruction experience and believe that no two projects are alike, approaching each one with a fresh perspective.
Laser Scanning & 3D Modeling
March 01, 2016
In this video, an expert from our Major Projects team in the UK explains how the scanners measure millions of times per second to build up a full 3D model. All the information is captured in one site visit, making the process extremely efficient. "With the speed and accuracy of the scanners only improving, it is taking Balfour Beatty forward to the next level of digital engineering."
Distractions and Risk
February 04, 2016
Experienced construction professionals would never allow a crane operator to be engaged in a phone conversation while operating a crane. Why? Because we know intuitively that that operator must give his undivided attention to the task at hand – operating that crane safely - so no one is put at risk by his actions. So why is it so many of those same wise professionals think nothing of driving a 3,500-pound vehicle down the road at 60-plus miles an hour while engaged in a phone call?
A SmartStart® Sets the Foundation for Your Entire Project
February 03, 2016
We are constantly striving to meet the demands of our increasingly sophisticated clients and navigate an industry that keeps getting more complex, fast-paced and tightly integrated. Despite improved tools and technologies, our industry effectiveness is actually declining. The challenge is that much of the inefficiency we experience on projects is "invisible". It manifests itself as ambiguity related to goals/approach/roles, subtle personality conflicts, insufficient support mechanisms, and lack of awareness of underlying pervasive problems with team performance. These subtle factors are missed by most contractors, but are actually the foundation of healthy, high-performance teams – especially in an increasingly dynamic market.