Nick Cusanelli

Relentless Ally

How do you remain a good neighbor on a 1.1 million square foot mixed-use project that could adversely affect parking and interrupt the normal flow of pedestrian access to surrounding merchants?

If you’re Nick Cusanelli, general superintendent on Portland's Block 216 project, you work with a local artist to create a hip urban mural on a 200-foot pedestrian walkway of course.

“I have a goal for continually upping our game and taking projects to the next level, this project was no different. It was important to help beautify the area with a family-friendly outdoor temporary mural, while also supporting businesses in the area that often suffer due to construction by making the project look less like a construction site and more like a user-friendly part of downtown. We need to ensure we’re acting on our promise to be good community partners” shared Nick.

Nick worked with artist agent Kali Grey to find the perfect talent for the beautification project. Kali presented three portfolios to choose from and Nick chose the artist eyedrawp because of his signature hand-painted, abstract style of vibrant colors and patterns – allowing the viewer’s mind to personify the different forms and make a personal connection. The artist's style also aligned well with the merchant wayfinding posters provided by Portland’s Downtown Merchants Association, which also line the pedestrian walkway.

Feedback from the community, client, and trade partners has been overwhelmingly positive with numerous comments on how they appreciate the mod vibe and community feel the mural brings to the block and to downtown Portland.

In Nick’s honor, the team affectionately named the pedestrian walkway 'Cusanelli Walk' to celebrate his unique contribution to this signature downtown project.

The mural will remain up for the duration of the two-year project and will continue to help beautify the area and drive awareness to local businesses that are still open nearby.